Never the less, the picture will be posted here every Friday.
This week my feet were wearing these lovely sandals (purchased in Vegas with hubby) and they were busy taking down our Hallowe'en decorations from our porch.
What were your feet doing? Join me if you like! Just leave a comment below with a link to your photo and I will post all the pics every Friday.
Your feet are so cute! Mine are stuck under my desk right now, wishing they could be out hiking in the snow!
Sandal season is OVER here... thanks for the reminder! :o)
Hope you're having an awesome Monday!
Hello! Just came across your blog today, love the sandals you're wearing in this pic! Friday Feet is a really cute idea and i'll love to take some pics to join you soon :)
Just curious, are you Filipino? (Lola sounds like Tagalog..) I'm from Malaysia.
Nice to 'meet' you!
I couldn't manage to take the Friday Five photo last week due to a camera problem :(
But i'll try to do it this week!
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