If you can't tell just by her very red costume... she is a red robin.

A few action shots....

That's her ballet teacher in the corner. It's so cute because all the girls are so focused on their teacher, they don't pay attention to the (very large) audience. Come to think of it, that's probably a very good thing!

Proud as proud can be!

Happy Father's Day!

A photo with her groupies.

My little robin was quite hungry after her performance and had no shame in asking us to take her to her favourite restaurant which coincidentally is Red Robin!

I am so happy that she loves ballet so much. When I was a little girl, I wanted to be in ballet lessons so badly, but my parents enrolled me in piano.
I swear I am not living my ballerina dreams through her... ok, maybe just a little.
p.s. hop on over to Melissa's sweet blog where she has featured little ol' me!
What a sweet little bird!!
She looks adorable!
heheheh adorable!!! she definitely looks very happy in her red robin costume! i did ballet when i was younger and had so much fun with it!!
How cute!!
btw, here's your post on my blog today. Hope you like it!
SO adorable!
xx Vivian @ http://diamondsandtulle.blogspot.com
I have the song rockin' robin in my head. She is just too cute. I always enjoy the little ones' performances during the dance recitals.
She is absolutely ADORABLE :)
FYI I have an award waiting for you over at my blog!!
Awww how precious!!! I did dance for a while when I was younger.. and those costumes are the most wonderful things! My two older cousins both danced until they graduated high school, so we always had all sorts of costumes to play dress up in. She is just too adorable as a little robin!
Adorable! My little sister has a recital every year, so it was fun seeing that your experience is so similar to mine.
so cute!! i love ballet too. hope i have a little girl who's interested in it!
awww she is soo cute!!! That outfit is just utterly adorable!!!
Oh my goodness she is adorable! SO cute in that little costume. Love it!
love her sooo much. she is too cute!
I did ballet when I was younger, but only for a 2 years... then my mom enrolled me into Theatre Theatre Maui. Acting was fun. I wonder if I kept up with it, I'd be in Hollywood now!! Ha ha. Zoe is such a cutie!! I love the little red robin outfit. Kisses!
xx Love & Aloha
so cute! i love the pictures and her costume so much!
too late to pick up the TOMS in NYC. i guess i'll have to try and order it via internet or maybe i'll see if i can find it when i get back home and zoe looks absolutely adorable in her red ballet outfit!
she's adorable -- the cutest little robin ever!
So super cute! Just adorable. I can't wait until my little one has ballet recitals.
oh my goodness, I just want to squeeze her!
Your little one is the CUTEST red robin I ever did see. She's lucky to have a mom who takes so many photos.
oh my cheesecake...that is the most freakin' adorable child ever. seriously, can i put her in my pocket and just take here home with me to play dolls and tea party with? oh gawshh, she is so cute. i love how blogging has let me see so many adorable little kids, like your girls and micaelas nieces, photos like these just make you smile no matter if you like kids or not :D. i took ballet for one year when i was 5 or 6 and was told just this year that i never went back not because of the $$, but because i stunk and my parents couldn't bear to tell me, haha. and i thought all these years i would have made an amazing ballerina! zoe totally looks like a pro though, not matter if she's looking at the teacher or not ;]. and it's so okay that you're living vicariously through her with the ballet, i know i will totally do that with things i never did or was too clumsy to! just don't get all 'toddlers and tiaras' on us, okay? haha :P
- L
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